The HMA Constitution

  1. Name
    1. The name of the Club shall be the Hampshire Mountaineering Association hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.
  2. Objectives of the Club
    1. To promote the interests of climbing and mountaineering amongst members of the Club.
    2. To provide an opportunity for members of the Club to meet and participate in climbing and mountaineering activities together.
    3. To act on behalf of and in the interests of Club members.
    4. To promote awareness of the need to maintain access, conservation and protection of the cliff and mountain environment.
    5. To take part in the work and activities of the British Mountaineering Council (BMC).
  3. Membership of the Club
    1. Membership of the Club shall only be open to individuals and hereinafter referred to as “the Membership”.
    2. In addition to 3.1 above membership of the Club shall only be open to individuals who recognise that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Members shall be aware of and accept these risks and agree to be responsible for their own actions and involvement.
    3. Club Membership is open to minors provided written parental consent is obtained. Attendance of club activities is only permitted with a parent/guardian or an adult in loco parentis who is also a club member.
    4. The Members acknowledge and agree that as the Club is affiliated to the BMC each will become a Club member of the BMC and that they will each be bound by the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the BMC.
    5. Club membership shall only be open to individuals who recognise and accept that the HMA does not have designated leaders or first aiders, and that there is an expectation that all club members look out for one another in a common-sense way.  If there is an incident/accident or near miss during a club meet, then it is the responsibility of club members present to agree the best and most practicable course of action, with the casualty where possible, and to ensure the matter is reported to the HMA committee as soon as possible.
  4. Management of the Club
    1. The Management of the Club shall be entrusted to the Club Committee, hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”.
  5. Officers of the Club
    1. The elected Officers of the Club shall be the President, the Secretary (BMC Main Contact), the Treasurer, the Weekend Meets Secretary, the Day Meets Secretary, the Quartermaster, the Webmaster, and the GDPR Administrator, hereinafter referred to as “the Officers”.
    2. Voting for the election of Officers shall take place by secret ballot at the AGM. Nominations are to be forwarded to the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting.
    3. No Officer shall serve for a term longer than three years and they will be required to be voted in each year. If however the secretary has not received nominations for any of the officer roles, the current committee member may be asked to remain in post for the longevity of the club.
  6. Committee of the Club
    1. The President of the Club will normally preside at and chair all meetings of the Committee (or Club) and shall be responsible for reporting to the Membership at the Club’s AGM.
    2. The Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Club.
    3. The Committee shall nominate a representative (or representatives) of the Club to attend BMC Area meetings and represent the views of the Membership and shall nominate the President (or a representative) to attend the BMC AGM and vote on behalf of the club. Costs within reason for this will be met by the club.
    4. The Club Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to Club affairs and for announcing Committee meetings, and the production and distribution of minutes from those meetings. The date for the AGM is to be set a year in advance. The Club Secretary shall be responsible for announcing the AGM and shall give at least 60 clear days notice of such a meeting. The agenda will be sent out 30 days prior to the meeting. Items for inclusion should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the AGM. The Club shall keep records about the Membership of the Club and shall report to the BMC the size of the Membership.
    5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions and will account for any other income and expenditure made on behalf of the Club. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of the membership subscription to the BMC and the Insurance premium if this option is taken up.
    6. The Weekend Meets Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating to the arrangement of Club meets including accommodation and travel.
    7. The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the Club’s website.
    8. The Day Meets Secretary shall be responsible for arranging day and climbing wall meets.
    9. The Quartermaster shall be responsible for the care and distribution of the club’s climbing equipment in accordance with BMC guidelines.
    10. The GDPR Administrator shall be responsible for ensuring GDPR compliance.
    11. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional non-voting members.
    12. A quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be four of the elected voting members. In addition to the AGM the Committee shall hold at least 2 meetings each year.
  7. Club Subscriptions
    1. The Committee shall have the power to set membership subscription levels for the Club on an annual basis.
  8. Child-Protection Policy
    1. Present membership criteria negates the need to adopt this Policy.
  9. Expulsion of members
    1. If at any time the Committee considers that the interests of the Club require it they must invite a member to resign from the Club, by a letter specifying the reasons for their request and offering the member an opportunity to provide an explanation either in writing or in person and the date before which the reply should be received.
    2. If the member concerned requests a meeting to provide an explanation, the committee must arrange a meeting at a suitable time and place and within a reasonable period of time and must provide the member with not less than seven days written notice of it.
    3. The Committee must consider the explanation provided by the member in good faith and have due regard to all available evidence and may confirm or vary their original decision.
    4. If the Committee confirms their original decision and the member concerned does not resign the Committee must submit the question of his expulsion to a Special General Meeting to be convened for the purpose, whether or not the member requests such a meeting.
    5. Not less than 30 days’ notice of the meeting must be given to all the members.
    6. The Secretary must inform the member in question of the time and place of the meeting and the nature of the complaints against him in sufficient time to afford him a proper opportunity of offering his explanation.
    7. At the meeting the member must be allowed to offer an explanation of his conduct verbally or in writing and if after that two-thirds of the members present vote for his expulsion he will immediately cease to be a member of the Club.
    8. The voting at any such Special General Meeting must be by ballot if not less than five members present at that meeting so demand.
    9. The Committee may exclude from the Club until the Special General Meeting is held any member whose resignation has been requested.
  10. Effect of ceasing to be a member
    1. On ceasing to be a member a person forfeits all right to and claim upon the Club and its property and funds.
    2. A person who has been expelled from the Club shall not be entitled to participate in any subsequent activity of the Club nor to visit the Club’s premises.
  11. Rules of the Club
    1. The Committee shall have the power to set Club rules. Such rules shall be in accordance with the articles of the Club’s Constitution and the policies of the BMC.
    2. To attend club meets all individuals must be HMA club members with the exception of prospective members who are permitted to attend one meet as a taster. However, if there is unlimited space on meets members may invite non-participating guests, if there is limited space, but it is not full members may invite non-participating guests no sooner than 2 weeks prior to the meet.
    3. Club Members shall sign for club equipment that they undertake to look after and use it entirely at their own risk.
  12. Amendments to the Constitution of the Club
    1. This Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority. Notice of any amendment must be delivered to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the AGM.
  13. Dissolution of the Club
    1. The Club can be dissolved by two-thirds majority vote whereupon the Committee will arrange to discharge any assets to the Mountain Rescue. Any liabilities at the time of dissolution shall be the joint responsibility of all Members.